Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Project 8-pre work

Polaroid Lifts and Transfers:
An emulsion lift (or emulsion transfer) is when the emulsion layer is removed from a sheet of instant film and then transferred to a different surface. Just cut the edges off your Polaroid print, submerge it in water, and then use a brush to gently move water up underneath the emulsion. This will slowly-but-surely separate the emulsion from the plastic, at which point you can slide a piece of paper underneath it and brush the emulsion down onto its new surface.

Cyanotype: The Cyanotype, which is also known as ferroprussiate or blueprint was invented by Sir John Herschel in 1842, when he discovered that ferric (iron) salts could be reduced to a ferrous state by light and then combined with other salts to create a blue-and-white image. The cyanotype emulsion is sensitive to ultraviolet light. Therefore either sunlight or another UV light source must be used for exposure. 
Blue Sunprints CyanotypeRelated image

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